Wiltshire Council - Case Study

Wiltshire Council is the unitary authority for most of the county of Wiltshire, in the West of England, the successor authority to Wiltshire County Council (1889–2009). The unitary authority provides all significant local government services to some 435,000 Wiltshire residents and is also the biggest employer in Wiltshire, being responsible for schools, social services, rubbish collection and disposal, county roads, planning, and leisure services, among other things.
Quantum Plus was initially engaged by Wiltshire County Council to undertake a detailed commercial audit under the terms of their infrastructure outsourcing engagement with Steria. This study resulted in numerous recommendations that were accepted and implemented and was accomplished without any damage to the service provider’s relationship. Building on recommendations and delivery thus far, Quantum Plus was then engaged to support a major renegotiation and expansion of the same outsource agreement. That agreement was substantially improved and updated to reflect the Wiltshire Council unification programme “One Council for Wiltshire”.
Quantum Plus used their own techniques, templates and experience to enhance the process, detail contractual provisions and negotiated outcomes. Building on techniques that were acknowledged as best in class at the National Outsourcing Association Annual Awards 2005, a key example was the development of averaged performance metrics designed to encourage suppliers to recover and improve from poor performance.
Quantum Plus continues to work with Wiltshire Council to review contract performance and negotiate major contractual changes.
Quantum Plus worked with Wiltshire Council to review contract performance and negotiate major contractual changes.
“Throughout this pressured negotiation, carried out during a period of massive change within the Authority, Quantum Plus acted as commercial advisor and negotiator. With Quantum Plus’ support, the Authority was able to drive through significant savings from initial supplier quotations for various programmes of work.”
Head of ICT Design and Delivery